Open day of the Institute

On Friday, November 22, 2024, an all-day event Open Door Day of the Institute for Medical Research and Occupational Medicine was held with the aim of popularizing current scientific research and professional activities. On that occasion, visitors, mostly schoolchildren, teachers and students visited the Institute for Radiation Protection, where they had the opportunity to see an accredited laboratory for measuring radon and learn something about radiochemistry. As part of the event, several popular-scientific lectures were also held: The good, the bad, the different faces of ionizing radiation, What is nuclear medicine and what is it for? Radon: a secret visitor in your home and Asbestos: yesterday, today, tomorrow. Students could test their knowledge in the field of ionizing radiation by participating in the quiz How much do you know about the radiation around us?
The institute’s associates participated in the implementation of the event:
B. Petrinec,
T. Bituh,
I. Franulović,
T. Čvorišćec,
P. Tagliaretti,
S. Kobešćak,
M. Jurdana,
K. Ilić,
I. Pavičić,
AM Marjanović Čermak.
